一 我於虛空如母眾 視之猶勝如意寶 依彼能成究竟利 恆常心懷珍愛惜
With the determination to accomplish the highest welfare for all sentient beings, who excel even the wish-granting Gem, may I at all times hold them dear ! |
Whenever I associate with someone, may I think myself the lowest among all and hold the other supreme in the depth of my heart ! |
In all actions may I search into my mind, and as soon as klesa arises, endangering myself and others, may I firmly face and avert it !
四 秉性邪惡諸有情 思彼猛烈罪苦煎 對境如獲珍寶藏 難值修悲願珍惜
When I see beings of wicked nature, pressed by violent sin and affliction, may I hold these rare ones dear as if I had found a precious treasure !
五 彼雖橫生嫉妒心 非理辱罵謗我等 盡其損惱我取受 願將利樂奉獻他
When others -- out of envy -- treat me badly with abuse, slander and the like, may I suffer the defeat and offer the victory to others !
六 我曾於彼利樂施 並予深心寄厚望 彼卻非理妄加害 願仍視為勝導師
When the one, whom I have benefited with great hope, hurts me very badly, may I behold him as my supreme Gum !
七 直接間接諸利樂 願集奉獻如母眾 如母有情眾苦迫 我願暗中盡取受
In short may I, directly and indirectly, offer benefit and happiness to all my mothers; may I secretly take upon my self the harm and suffering of the mothers !
八 願此所修一切善 莫為八法所垢染 深觀諸法皆如幻 離執離繫得解脫
May all this remain undefiled by the stains of keeping in view the Eighth worldly pinciples; may I @ by perceiving all Dharmas as illusive @ unattached be delivered from the bondage ( Samsara ) !